Still Prego! I am sure loving being pregnant except for the numbness in my hands and the swelling of my feet and the pretty much constant reminder of acid reflux! heeheh I am just lucky that I don't have to suffer with the nausea that most women get! know on wood!
Taelin is growing up sooo fast! She is learning so much and is talking up a storm! I was singing rock a by baby to her this morning after her shower and she would try to say the last word of the phrase that I just sang. Like Baby, Top, Blows, Drop, etc.... It was way cute! She amazes me! Children are sponges! Last night she was so frustrated with me because I couldn't understand what it was that she wanted. Finally I said do you want some milk? and she gets this look on her face like YES!!! and licks her lips and started to make a scrunching motion with both fists over and over! It was so cute! I can't wait till she can say. "Mommy can I please have some milk!"
Taelin has also been sleeping in her big girl bed for a week now! It is so cute to watch her crawl up into bed and lay down and say "night night"! Of course she folds her arms before we get into bed to remind us that we need to pray! Sooo CUTE! I love being a mother!
Last night Danny and I picked up my brother from the air port. He was returning from Christmas Vacation and a Tour of Meso America ( I think that was what he called it) Basically a tour of Guatemala and Mexico. He toured a bunch of sights that are said to be where things took place in the Book of Mormon. He had a blast! It was fun to listen about some of his adventures while there! He was tan (Oooooo I am sooo jealous, I would love to be that tan in the winter!) We had invited him to stay for dinner and invited my aunt over. We had Baked Ziti and home made Celebration bread! I was pretty proud of myself! I not only made bread and the main course, but they tasted wonderful! Maybe my dream of being good wife (cook) will come true! Anyway!!! Time to go my fingers are numb! Love you all thanks for reading!