So I know that I promised the full story! To pick up where I left off, My Aunt came over to our house to watch Taelin for us! THANK YOU AUNTIE! We went to the hospital and didn't know if we could park in the Valet Parking part of the hospital so we went and parked the car ourselves. Danny held my hand through all of the walking. It sure kept them coming (walking that is). The nurse offered me a wheelchair, but I figured that we were close enough to my room, which we were. While there, she hooked me up to all of the machines. Then told me that I was dilated to a small 4. She said that it was probably enough progress, from my Dr's appointment that morning where I was a one and a half, for me to only be assessed for twenty minutes before being able to get an epidural! YEAH!!! She called the Dr and sure enough, he said it was okay for me to have it! Thank you Dr. Carn! My contractions were right on top of each other! Getting an epidural was not the most comfortable thing this time, but I could imagine worse things. I attribute part of my discomfort while being given the epidural to contractions being sooooo close! I had one while getting it! Not what I had in mind! After the epidural I was dilated to a 5. Then quickly to a 7. My mom who was traveling to Utah from California trying to make it in time for the baby, called and said that they were about 15 minutes away. By the time they got to the hospital I was dilated to a 10 and then twenty minutes later started pushing. Overall I was only in the hospital for two hours before Brick entered our world! Which is a totally different experience from Taelin we were there for 17 hours! not including the day before and the visits through the night for medicine to efface me. Anyway... It was a great experience.
That night I had so much adrenaline that I couldn't fall asleep until 5 am! It was crazy! I know that I must have dosed off few times, but not into a deep sleep!
My mom stayed in Utah to help me with the baby and Taelin for a week and a half! It was so wonderful to have her here! Naps are precious! She helped with cooking, and cleaning! And it was fun to just have her here to catch up and visit also! Thanks mom!
We had wonderful meals brought to us from close friends, family, and ward members! THANK YOU!!!! They were all sooo delicious, and nutritious!
My sister Jennie and her two kids arrived on the 29th of January from Vietnam. She is here in the states to have a baby of her own in March! They are having a little girl! It has been fun to see her!
As for now! I am feeling great! I do get TIRED, but Danny is very good to let me nap when he gets home from school and before he goes to work! In turn he gets to sleep through the night for the most part! heheh you know it is kind of hard to sleep to ear piercing cries! :) We are having a BLAST being parents of two! we are so blessed to have a healthy and happy family! Taelin loves her little brother. Yes she has her moments of jealousy, but she is so in tune to him. She wants to know everything that is going on with him. Brick can see our faces now and we assume that he has a fun time looking at us since he holds his head up to look at you while you burp him! :) Thanks for reading and enjoy the pictures!
congratulations again.Wow, it must have been an easy labor compare to your first one..Baby Brick is soo cute
CUTE!!!!!!! Oh my lanta that slideshow was so cute. Brick has got to be the sweetest baby yet! I LOVE him! And the rest of you guys too... hehe
He is so adorable! You have an exciting delivery story! I only remember the pain from a contraction during my epidural too, so really I guess it made getting it easier not feeling the needle.
Ah! Two hours at the hospital? That was QUICK. My doctor told me not to mess around with getting to the hospital with the second, but I didn't know she meant things could change that much! Congrats to you guys. He is sure a handsome little guy. :)
Natalie!! Congrats! He is adorable!! I am so gald you have a blog, its so fun to keep up with you agian. i havea blog too but its private so send me your email and i'll invite you.
-Kari (Winger)
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